ESFJ Work Style

The Provider Type

16 Personalities
Big Five
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How ESFJ personality types like to work

Every personality has a different way of working and communicating with others. When you’re working with ESFJs, it’s important to get to know them on a personal level. As naturally social people, they tend to enjoy building connections with their coworkers and communicating in an open, approachable way. By learning how to communicate with them in the workplace, you’re more likely to see ESFJs at their best.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Communicating

Communicating with an ESFJ personality type

When talking to ESFJs, it’s important you use a friendly, agreeable, warm tone. Try to relate to them personally, without getting into business discussion too quickly. Ask questions about their personal life and share something about yourself.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Meeting

Meeting with an ESFJ personality type

Meetings should be done regularly and in person. ESFJs get more value out of face-to-face discussions and will likely enjoy meetings. Allow for a few minutes of personal discussion before jumping into the business side of the conversation. Be sure to prepare an agenda ahead of time so that ESFJs know what to expect.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Emailing

Emailing an ESFJ personality type

Emails should be warm, sincere, and expressive—leaving no subtext that could suggest an imaginary conflict. Include an interesting story and colorful language. Avoid sharing bad news or feedback through email. Anything negative or easily misunderstood should be communicated in person.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Feedback

Giving feedback to an ESFJ personality type

Feedback should be delivered with empathy and paired with plenty of encouragement. Remain sensitive to their emotions and take the time to hear their perspective. Avoid being overly critical or discussing the negatives for too long.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Conflict

Resolving conflict with an ESFJ personality type

ESFJs are likely to avoid conflict or tense conversations. If they find themselves in the midst of it, they may try to end the discussion before it is fully resolved. Remain caring and patient as you work to get to the root of the problem.

When you make an effort to communicate with ESFJs in a way that they like, you can build a better relationship, empathize with their perspective, and establish needed trust. Making simple adjustments to your communication style can mean a world of difference to understanding and working alongside each other.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore the 16 personality types here:

Are you an ESFJ? Take the 16-Personality test to see

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