Type 4
Type 7

Type 4 and Type 7 Relationship

Learn about Enneagram types and relationships

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What is Enneagram Type 4
(The Creative)?
People with an Enneagram type Four personality tend to be creative, sensitive, and expressive in their behavior. They like to be unique and seek to find their own identity. Though they desire relationships, they may seem distant and reserved, especially in group settings.


What is Enneagram Type 7
(The Adventurer)?
People with an Enneagram type Seven personality tend to be enthusiastic, adventurous, and spontaneous in their behavior. They love seeking out new experiences. They are people-oriented and enjoy pursuing new relationships.


Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Communication

How can Fours and Sevens communicate effectively with each other?

Enneagram Fours are driven by their need for personal identity, while Sevens are motivated by a desire to find satisfaction or fulfillment. Fours should try to be positive and open-minded when addressing Sevens. Sevens should try to communicate more emotionally with Fours.

Resolving Conflict

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Conflict

How can Fours and Sevens resolve conflict?

Fours should communicate their feelings calmly with Sevens while remaining empathetic to Sevens’ tendency to reframe situations. Sevens should be considerate of Fours’ need to work through a situation emotionally by sharing their own feelings. Fours and Sevens should be open-minded and patient while working through issues.

Building Trust

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Trust

How can Fours and Sevens build trust?

Fours generally trust Sevens who communicate and connect on a deeper, more personal level. Sevens should respect Fours’ autonomy and allow them space to think.

Sevens are likely to trust Fours who maintain a mostly positive mindset. Fours should try to participate in and enjoy experiences that excite Sevens.

Working Together

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Working Together

How can Fours and Sevens work together?

Fours tend to be artistic and emotionally aware, while Sevens are usually more social and enthusiastic.

Fours bring insight and independent thinking to a work environment; they can help Sevens think through difficult decisions.

Sevens offer optimism and creativity to a workplace. Sevens can help Fours pursue new opportunities.

Dealing with Change

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Change

How can Fours and Sevens deal with change?

Fours don’t tend to be very personally affected by change, as they are usually more concerned with their internal state.

Sevens tend to process change well; they are generally intrigued by new experiences and have a talent for seeing the bright side of most situations.

Managing Stress

Fours and Sevens need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Stress

Fours are easily stressed by...

  • Casual or meaningless conversation
  • Parties and large groups of unfamiliar people
  • Lack of personal creativity
  • Being interrupted or facing an argument
Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Stress

Sevens are easily stressed by...

  • Schedules, rules, and limits
  • Negativity from those around them
  • Too much time alone
  • Lack of choice or freedom

Fours should avoid being overly negative or pessimistic around Sevens, while Sevens should avoid pushing Fours to be happy or excessively optimistic.

Encouraging and Motivating

Fours and Sevens can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Encouragement

Fours are motivated by...

  • Building connections and relationships with others
  • Taking personal time to reconnect with themselves
  • Expressing their emotions through a form of art
  • Feeling valued and accepted for who they are
Enneagram Type 4 & Type 7 Encouragement

Sevens are motivated by...

  • New ideas and experiences
  • Creative or trendy aesthetics
  • Meeting and getting to know new people
  • Parties, concerts, and other large gatherings

Fours can encourage Sevens by participating in a shared experience.

Sevens can motivate Fours by engaging in deeper, more philosophical discussion.

Enneagram Test

Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.