People with an Enneagram type Seven personality tend to be enthusiastic, adventurous, and spontaneous in their behavior. They love seeking out new experiences. They are people-oriented and enjoy pursuing new relationships.
What is Enneagram Type 9
(The Peacekeeper)?
People with an Enneagram type Nine personality tend to be accepting, optimistic, and adaptive in their behavior. They like peace and tend to avoid conflict. They tend to enjoy time alone or with smaller groups of people.
How can Sevens and Nines communicate effectively with each other?
Enneagram Sevens are driven by the need to feel fulfilled, while Nines are motivated by a desire for internal peace.
Sevens should be encouraging and clear when communicating with Nines.
Nines should be positive and open-minded when addressing Sevens.
Resolving Conflict
How can Sevens and Nines resolve conflict?
Nines and Sevens tend to avoid conflict and negativity. When faced with an issue, they should try to empathize with one another. Sevens should be gentle and patient with Nines when sharing their perspective. Nines should communicate directly and present several possible solutions.
Building Trust
How can Sevens and Nines build trust?
Sevens are likely to trust Nines who are willing to step out of their comfort zone. Nines should make an effort to pursue new opportunities with Sevens.
Nines tend to trust Sevens who are supportive and encouraging. Sevens should work to build strong personal, emotional connections with Nines.
Sevens tend to be adventurous, outgoing, and confident, while Nines are generally patient, supportive, and accepting.
Sevens offer creative, new ideas to a workplace. Sevens can help Nines feel more confident in themselves.
Nines bring mediation skills to a work environment; they can help remind Sevens to take breaks and relax.
Dealing with Change
How can Sevens and Nines deal with change?
Because they prefer consistency, Nines are likely to be somewhat disrupted by a new situation. However, they tend to adjust after taking time to process the change.
Sevens, however, usually adapt well, as they tend to be intrigued and excited by the positive aspects of change.
Managing Stress
Sevens and Nines need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.
Sevens are easily stressed by...
Schedules, rules, and limits
Negativity from those around them
Unnecessary and boring routine
Lack of choice or freedom
Nines are easily stressed by...
Disappointing those they love
Needing to make difficult decisions
Being interrupted or ignored
Pent-up and unexpressed emotion
Sevens should avoid talking over or ignoring Nines, while Nines should communicate problems directly with Sevens, to avoid becoming passive-aggressive or negative.
Encouraging and Motivating
Sevens and Nines can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.
Sevens are motivated by...
New ideas and experiences
Creative or trendy aesthetics
Meeting and getting to know new people
Parties, concerts, and other large gatherings
Nines are motivated by...
Stability and consistency in their personal life
Helping to bring two groups together
Resolving others’ personal tensions
Feeling safe, accepted, and heard
Sevens can motivate Nines by honoring set commitments.
Nines can encourage Sevens by participating in a shared new experience.
Enneagram Test
Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.