People with an Enneagram type Seven personality tend to be enthusiastic, adventurous, and spontaneous in their behavior. They love seeking out new experiences. They are people-oriented and enjoy pursuing new relationships.
What is Enneagram Type 8
(The Protector)?
People with an Enneagram type Eight personality tend to be self-confident, powerful, and assertive in their behavior. They love engaging in debates and are skilled at making difficult decisions. They are fiercely independent and hate being reliant on others.
How can Sevens and Eights communicate effectively with each other?
Enneagram Sevens are driven by the need to feel fulfilled, while Eights are motivated by a desire for personal autonomy.
Sevens should be direct and clear when communicating with Eights.
Eights should be optimistic and sincere when addressing Sevens.
Resolving Conflict
How can Sevens and Eights resolve conflict?
Sevens should directly communicate issues with Eights; they need to stand their ground when sharing. Eights should avoid being overly harsh in discussion. Sevens and Eights should each take ownership of their contributions to the negative situation, while working together to reach a compromise.
Building Trust
How can Sevens and Eights build trust?
Sevens are likely to trust Eights who are patient and supportive. Eights should make an effort to avoid negativity around Sevens.
Eights tend to trust Sevens who share their opinions. Sevens should help encourage Eights to be positive and pursue new opportunities.