ENFJ Relationships

The Advocate Type

16 Personalities
Big Five
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ENFJ Relationships (Professional)

ENFJs can help more business-like, focused people understand the importance of building personal connections with others.

Myers-Briggs ENFJ Working With

ENFJ personality types tend to work well with others who...

  • Value their contributions to the work environment
  • Avoid being overly critical of their actions
  • Appreciate their leadership

ENFJs thrive when they feel appreciated at work. They’re likely to work well when they feel like what they’re doing matters. They appreciate when coworkers offer encouragement and support for their leadership skills.

When others on their team are able to value them, support their decisions, and appreciate their leadership, ENFJs are likely to feel comfortable and confident, which will help them be more effective at work.

Myers-Briggs ENFJ Professional Obstacles

ENFJ personality types may hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...

  • Need to make more logical, fact-based decisions
  • Are faced with major, unexpected circumstances
  • Have to focus carefully on small details and specifics

ENFJs tend to make decisions based on feelings and gut instincts. They are empathetic and considerate of how something may affect others, which is often reflected in the choices they make. When they need to make a purely objective, fact-based decision that removes emotion from the equation, ENFJs are likely to feel disconnected from themselves. It’s important that others value ENFJs considerate nature.

They may have a difficult time adapting to an unforeseen situation. They prefer to follow set plans and find comfort in consistency, so rapid change is likely to shock them. However, once they have a chance to adjust their mindset and get used to the change, ENFJs will likely feel normal again.

ENFJs may also feel frustrated by small details. They prefer to consider the broad perspective and don’t appreciate when others get lost in the specifics.

ENFJ Relationships (Romantic)

ENFJs can be helpful, encouraging partners who offer advice in times of difficulty and support in times of triumph.

Myers-Briggs ENFJ Romantic Strengths

In a romantic relationship, Advocate personality types bring strengths like...

  • Listening empathetically to their partner’s perspective
  • Standing up for their partner in necessary circumstances
  • Carefully considering the future in regards to the relationship

ENFJs tend to be great listeners. They are empathetic and thoughtful, often putting aside their own opinions to hear their partner out before jumping to conclusions. They are strong protectors of their partners and are ready to advocate for them when needed. They tend to think about the future of the relationship on a regular basis, which helps them regularly move forward with steady confidence.

Myers-Briggs ENFJ Romantic Troubles

In romantic relationships, Advocate personality types may have trouble...

  • Making time to attend to their own needs
  • Adapting quickly to unforeseen problems
  • Separating their emotions from an issue

ENFJs may overlook their own needs, at times. They have a tendency to prioritize what their partner wants or needs, which often means they take less time for themselves. It’s important that ENFJs learn to find a healthy balance to prevent growing frustrated with their relationship.

They may also have issues facing unexpected problems, which may cause them to take their frustrations out on their partner. However, when ENFJs can recognize this issue and work toward growth, they can learn to cope with their frustrations in a healthier, more productive way.

ENFJs may need to learn how to separate their emotions from a problem in their relationship. They tend to put their heart into every choice, which may cloud their judgment, at times. In order for them to make the best decisions, it’s important that they recognize when to set their feelings aside and choose logically.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
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