Type 6
Type 6

Type 6 and Type 6 Relationship

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What is an Enneagram Type 6
(The Loyalist)?
People with an Enneagram type Six personality tend to be engaging, hard-working, and responsible in their behavior. They want to feel safe and tend to be concerned with outside threats. They are very loyal and want to build close relationships with others.


Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Communication

How can Sixes communicate effectively with each other?

Enneagram Sixes are driven by the need to feel safe and secure in their everyday lives. Sixes should be clear, calm, and reassuring when addressing one another. They should focus on communicating important information in-person in a logical, sensitive way.

Resolving Conflict

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Conflict

How can Sixes resolve conflict?

Sixes should work through conflict calmly and thoughtfully with one another. They should express their perspective gently around other Sixes while providing them with the reassurance and support. Sixes should discuss the situation until they find a solution that suits both parties.

Building Trust

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Trust

How can Sixes build trust?

Sixes are likely to trust other Sixes who are loyal, attentive, and inviting. Sixes should spend quality time getting to know one another.

Working Together

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Working Together

How can Sixes work together?

Sixes tend to be responsible, reliable, and pragmatic; they offer hard work, loyalty, and deep-thinking to a workplace. Sixes can help encourage one other to feel more confident in their decisions and abilities.

Dealing with Change

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Change

How can Sixes deal with change?

Because they prefer consistency and predictability, Sixes are likely to be disrupted by unexpected change. However, they are likely to adjust after taking time to assess and process the situation.

Managing Stress

Sixes need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Stress

Sixes are easily stressed by...

  • Unreliable people and relationships
  • Negativity in their work or personal environment
  • Feeling as though they aren’t needed
  • Failing or making the wrong decision

Sixes should avoid being overly negative or anxious around one another by choosing to share supportive or encouraging thoughts, instead.

Encouraging and Motivating

Sixes can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Enneagram Type 6 & Type 6 Motivations

Sixes are motivated by...

  • Consistent and trustworthy relationships
  • Time spent with people they love
  • Offering help and assistance to others
  • Advocating for personal beliefs and values

Sixes can motivate other Sixes by spending intentional time with them.

Enneagram Test

Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.