DISC C Personality Type: The Analyst Profile Assessment

The DISC Analyst profile

16 Personalities
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People with the C personality type tend to be objective, skeptical, and logical in their behavior. They are usually fiercely pragmatic and frequently solve problems with an analytical, fact-driven approach. They are likely to be more reserved in groups and may take a long time before they build enough trust to open up.

The Analyst personality type traits

With a position on the bottom left of the DISC Map, Analysts are likely to approach life in a serious manner. Preferring solitary activities, they are likely to guard their privacy and be more involved with their deep, independent thoughts than external stimuli.


In summary, DISC type C personality traits include...

  • Prefer privacy and solitary activities.
  • Make objective decisions rather than emotional ones.
  • Skeptically or realistically appraise people and situations.
  • Be sensitive to lack of sincerity in others.
  • Maintain a serious demeanor at work.

Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.

DISC C style personality strengths

DISC C Strengths
  • Taking time to think things through when making decisions.
  • Providing clearly defined procedures when giving assignments.
  • Using a deliberate, methodical approach when solving problems.
  • Being comfortable analyzing large amounts of information.
  • Giving work assignments in writing and requests written feedback.

DISC C personality weaknesses

DISC C Weaknesses
  • Seeking a perfect solution instead of a workable solution.
  • Taking a lot of time gathering information and assessing risk before making decisions.
  • Avoiding or resisting people who do not use a systematic approach to organizing work.
  • Feeling the urge to criticize people who don't meet their standards for quality and accuracy.
  • Checking in too frequently, with too many questions, when someone needs more autonomy.

DISC Type C personality growth opportunities

DISC C Growth
  • Sharing about the work they're doing with the rest of the team, even if it’s just in a brief message.
  • Understanding that there are natural differences in strengths; one of theirs is likely your organization, so there will likely be many scenarios in which it’s best for them to adopt the organizational responsibilities.
  • Remaining open-minded to others’ unique strengths, even if they seem frustratingly different from their own; people will often surprise C-types with their capabilities.
  • Working with others who might have a more simple, direct approach to problem-solving.

Type C Relationships (Romantic)

Analysts can be practical, private partners. When in a relationship with another conscientious personality, it is important for them to be aligned in their ideas to avoid a great deal of future conflict.

DISC C Romantic Strengths

C relationship strengths

  • Carefully considering their choice in partner.
  • Thinking through what they say before they say it.
  • Being comfortable with necessary conflict.
DISC C Romantic Weaknesses

C relationship weaknesses

  • Considering their partner’s perspective.
  • Being emotionally open and vulnerable.
  • Spending quality time with their partner.

What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile C?

C personality types are most compatible with personalities that are able to complement their introverted and pragmatic nature, such as Is, Si, or IS types.

Other Personalities related to DISC C

Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type C. 

Enneagram Type 5

16-Personality ISTJ

You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal's free personality test.

DISC C personality type careers & work

Analysts tend to thrive in private environments where they can take enough time to do their work with accuracy, precision, and the highest possible quality. They can help more outgoing, quick-acting coworkers take the time to stop and think through important decisions. When working with another C-type, it’s important that they consider new ways of approaching a situation when they feel stuck on a problem.

DISC C Working With

Tend to work well with others who...

  • Have evidence to back up their claims.
  • Show patience when answering clarifying questions.
  • Give them plenty of space to work independently.
DISC C Obstacles

May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...

  • Neglect to consider other people’s ideas.
  • Misunderstand an assignment because they didn’t meet in-person.
  • Unnecessarily criticize the actions of their coworkers.
DISC C Motivations

Feel energized at work when...

  • They are given plenty of personal space to solve a problem.
  • Their boss gives them plenty of autonomy.
  • Their peers ask them for advice in becoming more efficient.
  • Their direct reports follow the exact rules and guidelines.
DISC C Meeting

Feel drained at work when...

  • They have to work closely with other people.
  • Their boss requires a lot of face-to-face meetings.
  • Their peers spend too much time talking.
  • Their direct reports make things up as they go.

Analysts thrive in positions where they can take enough time to do their work with accuracy, precision, and the highest possible quality. They are likely to prefer independent work over lots of collaboration, and typically prefer more structured environments that have established rules and processes.

DISC C Common Jobs

Commonly the best C DISC profile job roles

The best jobs for C personality types are roles that allow them to work independently and focus their meticulous abilities on solving problems. 

  • Software Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Actuary
  • Investment Analyst
  • Software Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Systems Administrator
  • Director of Engineering
DISC C Communicating With


Use a serious, businesslike demeanor and ask strictly objective questions to fully understand what they are thinking.
DISC C Communicating With


Meetings should be minimal, formally scheduled, and with a prepared agenda.
DISC C Emailing

Email communication tips

Emails should be clear, detailed, and factual. Be prepared to provide documents or external links to back up what you're saying.
DISC C Feedback


Feedback should be specific, detailed, and delivered with logical reasoning.
DISC C Resolving Conflict

Resolving conflict

Conflict should be viewed objectively to effectively bring underlying issues to the surface.

When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.


DISC C Motivations
  • Solving problems with thorough analysis of the existing data.
  • Researching the root causes of a problem.
  • Creating procedures, rules, and guidelines for other people to follow.
  • Helping others become more methodical and efficient in their processes.
  • Working on projects independently and bringing results back to a group.


DISC C Draining
  • Brainstorming about far-out ideas instead of clear ones.
  • Taking the time to understand how someone else thinks.
  • Leaving their schedule open and flexible for spontaneous meetings throughout the day.
  • Explaining things with emotional, expressive language.

DISC Type C Personality Slide Show

Click through the slides below to learn more about C types:

Or watch the video:

Are you a DISC Type C? Take the DISC Assessment to see.

Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.